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Hypnosis Faqs
What are the Benefits of Hypnosis?
Hypnosis can be used to address many issues, physical, emotional,
behavioral, intellectual and spiritual. The following represents some of
what can be accomplished with hypnosis. Please note, results are not
guaranteed and may vary by individual.
Overcome Fears & Phobias (Heights, Flying, Water, Driving, Social
Situations, Public Speaking, etc)
Relieve Stress, Anxiety, Nervousness, Panic and Mind Chatter, and
Enhance Relaxation and Sleep
Alleviate Depression, Grief, Heartache, Guilt and Anger
Relieve Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) from War,
Accident, Physical Violence/Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional/Mental
Abuse etc.
Rework undesired behaviors/responses (Self-Sabotage, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD),
Impulsiveness, Lying, Cheating, etc.)
Enhance Self Image, Confidence and Esteem
Conquer Addiction (Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling, Shopping, etc)
Improve Relationships (Romantic, Family, Friendships, Work)
Overcome Sexual issues (Erectile Disfunction (ED), Low Libido, etc)
Manage/Alleviate Pain (Headache, Migraine, Back, Knees, Jaw (TMJ), Neck, Shoulder, etc.)
Aid Dental and Medical Procedures or Surgery, Speed Recovery and Healing
Help discover source of Mysterious Symptoms
Improve Overall Health and Immunity
Improve Memory, Focus, Motivation, Discipline, Organization, Study Habits and/or Test Results
Enhance Sports Performance
Remove blocks to Success, Prosperity, Happiness, etc.
Facilitate Dream Interpretation, Relieve Nightmares
Unlock Repressed Memories
Explore Past Lives / Past Life Regression
And much more ....
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a vehicle for self exploration and change. It provides a means for unlocking our innermost
thoughts and feelings, so we can finally understand why we think, feel, and act the way we do. It can also help
us change the things that limit and discomfort us so we can experience something better in the future. The
state of Hypnosis is achieved by narrowing one’s attention to a single focus, setting aside external disruptions
and influences, evoking the imagination, and relaxing both the body and mind. When this happens, we can
communicate with the subconscious part of our mind and make the changes we desire. A person in hypnosis
is awake and in complete control at all times, and generally cannot be made to do something they’re not
willing to do or that’s in conflict with their moral code or values. Clients also have complete awareness and
memory of everything they experience during hypnosis and can choose what they do and say at all times.
Because one becomes highly receptive to suggestion during hypnosis, positive instructions can be fed directly
into the subconscious to effect change. The subconscious can actually be retrained so negative beliefs and
patterns can be rewritten. The hypnosis state can also provide answers and facilitate the release of undesired
feelings and responses. Resulting changes can manifest physically, emotionally, behaviorally, etc. The
possibilities are only limited by what someone is willing to do, think and believe.
Why is the Subconscious more important than the Conscious for changing our behavior?
While the conscious part of our minds is useful for reasoning, calculating, analyzing, problem solving and
helping us remember what we need to get us through our day, it has absolutely nothing to do with how and
why we behave the way we do. More importantly, it has no power. The subconscious, on the other hand, is
very powerful. Besides containing the unconscious, which controls our immune system and important
autonomic responses like breathing, it houses all of our memories, knowledge, creative forces, belief systems,
perceptions, programmed habits and behavior, as well as, emotional triggers and influences, both good and
bad. The goal driven subconscious brings into our experience that which supports our inner beliefs and
perceptions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t know whether that inner programming is positive or negative. People
generally want to be happy, healthy, successful, prosperous and have satisfying, loving relationships. At least
they do consciously. So, why is it that they seem to attract only unsupportive or negative people in their life?
Why can’t they seem to get ahead no matter what they do? Why does it feel like they’re blocking the very
things they want? Because they are. Somewhere along the way, they had a bad experience or received a
negative message that made them feel unworthy of these good things, hence, they don’t get them.
Subconscious programming overrides conscious wishes every time. The good news is that hypnosis can bring
the subconscious back in harmony with the conscious, so our experience reflects what we want, not what we
were conditioned to accept. With a new game plan, the subconscious can now work on our behalf to lessen
our struggles and draw better people and opportunities into our lives.
Are Behaviors and Issues a Result of Conditioning Alone?
No. Unexpressed feelings can also have a considerable affect on our behavior and well-being. When we have
a negative experience, there is always an associated emotional response that requires expression. Typically,
people lack the means or opportunity to express these feeling and often try to ignore or avoid them. But these
feelings have to go somewhere. The subconscious stores them in a person’s body for later resolution. While
these unresoved elements lay in wait for some attention, similar negatively charged emotions latch on to each
other, and eventually become stronger in their ability to influence our lives. They can often overemphasize our
response when we do express our emotions. When a person who has stored a lot of anger for example, finally
expresses his anger, it can actually come out more severe or explosive like rage. His anger is not about one
particular event, but rather an accumulation of all prior anger-producing events. The body essentially
becomes overloaded and needs to purge itself a bit, just to level off. An insignificant occurrence could actually
become the straw that breaks the camel’s back. If we do not deal with these emotions, eventually they will try
to get our attention by breaking down our immunity and causing physical symptoms of discomfort. If ignored,
they could potentially lead to illness or disease. Of course, there are a number of reasons why people get sick,
but suppressed emotions can be a significant contributing factor. Additionally, these emotions can also cause
blockages to the very things we need or want in our lives and wreak havoc in many other ways. Thankfully,
during hypnosis, we can identify where these emotions are stored within the body and then let them go. Once
they have been released, physical symptoms quickly and often miraculously disappear, as do the behaviors
and blockages they trigger.
Can Anyone be Hypnotized?
Generally, anyone can be hypnotized, as long as they are willing and do not resist. The depth of hypnosis can
vary by individual as well as by session. Subjects who are not naturally responsive can improve their
receptivity to hypnosis with practice.
Are the Results of Hypnosis Permanent?
Results depend highly upon the techniques used. The more comprehensive the approach, the more lasting
the results. At Mind Over Matter, all sessions are fully interactive and customized to individual needs. Issues
are addressed from every angle to insure success and lasting change. The client’s subconscious is also asked if
we have done everything necessary to achieve resolution. Self Hypnosis recordings may be provided for
reinforcement when necessary.
How Many Sessions Will it Take?
The number of sessions will depend upon a client’s goals, how easy they relax and how deep-seated their issue
is. While some clients can take more or less time, most achieve resolution within 3 to 5 sessions. Please note,
this does not include the required initial Intake session.
Is Hypnosis Medically Approved?
Yes. The American Medical Association (AMA), the American Psychiatric Association (APA), and the British
Medical Association (BMA), have all recognized hypnosis as a viable therapeutic tool.
How Powerful is the Hypnotherapist?
Hypnosis is a consent situation, in which a large percentage of the effort is the responsibility of the individual.
Actually, all hypnosis is self hypnosis, because the individual is always in control. Hypnosis empowers
individuals to heal themselves. The Hypnotherapist acts as a facilitator in the process. Among many things,
facilitation is beneficial in helping clients maintain focus and objectivity, obtain more information, gain more
understanding and better deal with painful memories. The Hypnotherapist can also provide the inspiration,
motivation and support that could help an individual succeed. Together, a Hypnotherapist and their client,
make a powerful team for greater understanding and positive change.
What About Will Power?
Willpower has no real power. It never gets at the reason why people are doing what they’re doing, and it is
totally incapable of lasting change. At its best, it is nothing more than a bandaid. In order to free one’s self of
negative or undesired aspects, one must identify the source of their issues, get rid of the junk and give their
subconscious new rules to go forward with. That’s where Hypnosis comes in.
How Does Regression Therapy Differ from Direct Suggestion?
Direct Suggestion attempts to override negative behavior patterns, beliefs and conditions, or create new ones
by bombarding the subconscious with positive suggestions and imagery. While suggestions can remain with
some individuals indefinitely, others may be only temporary. The effects are however cumulative. The more
often positive suggestions are taken in, the more lasting the results. Keep in mind that in order to create a new
habit, one needs to do something at least once a day for a minimum of 30 consecutive days. Also, in order for
hypnotic suggestions to take rootPlease also know that any emotionally based habit or behavior will require
some release methodology like regression in order for the . If the emotional component of the issue is not
addressed, the individual will most likely revert back to their undesirable behavior when they encounter
something stressful or emotionally challenging at some future date.
Regression Therapy modifies undesired behaviors, attitudes and responses by getting at the root cause. The
individual is directed back in time to events which have significantly contributed to their current problem or
situation, until the source is determined. Regression therapy also provides a means to release blockages
created by past events and identify, disarm and release highly charged, negative emotions stored within the
individual's body and mind. These stored emotions initiate and reinforce negative behavior patterns, and
often lead to physical discomfort and illness. Physical symptoms quickly disappear once these emotions are
released. Closure and forgiveness are also facilitated through regression. Direct suggestion is used in concert
with regression to assist in the modification of behavior patterns and reinforcement of new ones. Results tend
to more lasting with regression therapy than direct suggestion alone.
Why Past Life Regression?
There are many reasons why people explore their past lives. Whether it is to satisfy some curiosity or address
some deep seated issue, past life regression can be a very valuable experience. It offers those who are open
minded enough, insights into who they are and why they are drawn to certain places, people and situations.
Past lives can also provide intriguing alternative perspectives into the history of the world. They can explain
unusual responses in our relationships and can be the source of a phobia, negative behavior pattern, chronic
pain, nightmare or some other undesired manifestation. Keep in mind however, that not all issues are tied to
past lives. Usually, there's a combination of current life and past life events contributing to a person's
difficulties. Regardless of a person’s objective, past life exploration can be extremely healing and even fun.
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The Answer You Seek is Within You